Things You Need To Know If You Are A Fat-Cat Owner

Obesity in domestic cats is a growing trend that can seriously affect your cat's health and lifespan. Therefore, have the following in mind if you realize that you are a fat-cat owner!

#1. A fat cat can lead to bad health

Obesity in cats has been linked to diabetes, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and several skin disorders. These conditions are persistent, need ongoing medical care, and can lower your cat's quality of life.
Due to the stress that being overweight places on their joints, fat cats are also more likely to acquire arthritis. The likelihood that your cat may acquire these chronic conditions is significantly reduced if you keep them at their optimal weight.

#2. It's hard to aware a fat cat

In general, cat owners don't appear to be aware of the weight problems with their cats. Since it's far simpler to avoid weight gain than to reverse it, it's crucial to be able to tell when your cat is above a healthy weight rather than waiting for your veterinarian to inform you.

#3. Weigh a fat cat by looking

fat cat

The weight of a domestic cat can range from eight to twelve pounds, depending on breed and gender. A Maine Coon can weigh upwards of 20 pounds, although other small-framed cats are only six pounds.
Your cat is overweight if, when viewed from above, he resembles a straight tube or if his waist extends over the ribs. Without having to weigh your cat, you may estimate his weight by using a feline body condition score system. Get your hands on a long-haired cat and feel around the sides of the body for a waistline that has been beautifully concealed by fur. Your cat is healthy if you can feel its ribs with a firm touch. If you just feel chubby, it's time to start a diet.

#4. Diet may cause obesity

According to Witzel, insufficient exercise and unsuitable meals are the main causes of the rise in feline obesity that has been seen over the past few decades. which is really logical! The good news is that if you want to assist your cat in losing weight, you can adjust both of these.

#5. A fat cat needs to worry about carbs

fat cat

Because they are carnivores, cats have developed the ability to digest small, frequent meals that are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates (in case you were wondering, there are about 30 calories in a mouse). Witzel notes that the conventional dry cat food diet contains more carbs than cats would consume in their natural diet.
Even while most of the time those carbohydrates aren't an issue, if your cat is persistently fat or having difficulties reducing weight, it would be worthwhile to discuss trying a special low-carb ( 10%) diet with your veterinarian.

#6. Stop sharing food with them

Dogs and cats both enjoy drinking water, but cats don't. However, it is crucial that they consume enough for both their overall health and to avoid developing specific forms of bladder stones.
People are always being urged to drink more water since the water content of their Westernized, processed meals can be relatively low, according to Zoran. "Dry cat food is the same."

#7. Weigh your cat regularly

fat cat

Regular weighing is a good idea even if your cat isn't overweight, according to Zoran. It's simple to believe your cat is maintaining its weight when, in reality, he has added one to two pounds, the expert warns. "Changing behaviors early is far simpler than waiting for the vet to inform you that your cat is overweight," says the author.
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